Friday, October 10, 2008

Pictures of me that I found on Aubrey's computer!

Me. Being ready to go on Samurai at Lagoon.

Not happy about something...?

Oh look I'm in eigth grade!!

And there are some pictures of myself I found on Aubrey Snelson's compy.


Melody said...

I love the Samurai! Yeah!

Rachel said...

I've never been to Lagoon. How sad... You'll have to take me their someday Kate.

Marianne said...

You are a cute kid. You must have a very beautiful mother.

Kate said...

I will for surely take you someday Rachel! It's fun going on Samurai when it's raining. The water gets up your nose. :D

Aubrey Noelle said...

aubrey snelson's computer? huh... i don't know her, but she sounds AWESOME. almost as awesome as people how make it in SYMPHONIC!

Myranda said...

mwahahahahaha!! I found your blog!!!